Performance Evolution
Performance Evolution
Performance Evolution

As October rolled in, we made a thoughtful choice and we decided to get on board with an initiative that shines a spotlight on breast cancer prevention.

Our way of doing this? Offering our colleagues three days of free diagnostic exams. From October 17th to the 19th, Carvico will host the WelfareCare Società Benefit mobile clinic for the “Free Mammography and Ultrasound” program. We’ve extended an open invitation to all our employees to take part.

Our dedication to safeguarding our team’s health isn’t something new: it’s part of an ongoing commitment at Carvico. For years, we’ve actively supported the WHP – Workplace Health Promotion program. This initiative champions the well-being of our workforce, covering areas like nutrition, physical fitness, and support in overcoming dependencies. Every year, we roll out our flu vaccination campaign too.

The amazing part? Our mammography and ultrasound initiative has seen overwhelming participation. This underlines just how vital prevention is. Looking forward, we’re gearing up to develop customized programs for our night-shift workers. Think guidelines on nutrition and sleep management to help reset those internal body clocks. Today, we’re sharing an insightful interview with Laura Colnaghi Calissoni, President and CEO of the Carvico Group in order to shed more light on why this initiative holds a special place in our hearts.


Why did Carvico choose to get behind this breast cancer prevention initiative in the workplace? Is this your first health-focused project?
We dove into the “Free Mammography and Ultrasound” project because we genuinely believe in the power of prevention. Breast cancer affects both men and women, and early detection is the key to fighting this formidable disease. Our commitment to employee health isn’t new; it’s an annual thing. Each year, we run our flu vaccination campaign and conduct various activities around nutrition, physical well-being, and support against dependencies. Looking ahead, we’re excited about crafting tailor-made programs for our night-shift workers. These programs will offer guidance on nutrition and sleep management to help them regain a healthy internal clock.

What message does Carvico want to convey by joining hands with this project?
Our message is straightforward: prevention is the foundation of a healthy life. We endorse healthy lifestyles, participation in screening programs, and regular health check-ups. Postponing prevention should never be an option. It’s something we feel a profound responsibility towards, and we’re working today to ensure a healthier tomorrow.

How significant is social responsibility in shaping the community’s development and well- being?
It’s of paramount importance. At the Carvico Group, our goal has always been to provide our employees and their families with tools and opportunities for growth. This goes beyond health; it extends to cultural and artistic support in our community. We’ve been part of the WHP – Workplace Health Promotion – program for years, which prioritizes individual health and has a positive ripple effect on work-life balance.<

How have your female colleagues responded to this initiative?
We’re thrilled to see our colleagues embrace this initiative wholeheartedly. The turnout has been outstanding, and we’re proud to say that it isn’t just the women who’ve participated. Even some of our younger employees and our male team members have jumped on board. Sadly, male breast cancer is on the rise, making these prevention initiatives within our company even more crucial. Offering these exams for free is our way of encouraging our team and making these critical tests more accessible, sparing them the costs and long waiting times.